Opportunity Description
Summary: The Sakura Science program is a prestigious initiative designed to facilitate international exchanges for high school students with a keen interest in science and technology. Participants engage in hands-on experiments and collaborative projects with peers from Japan, providing a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in different scientific cultures. This program not only enhances students’ technical knowledge but also fosters critical thinking and teamwork skills essential for success in today?s globalized world. Students will have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and will be mentored by leading scientists and educators in their fields. The experience is designed to inspire the next generation of innovators and researchers by encouraging them to explore their interests in STEM through practical applications. Moreover, the program emphasizes cultural exchange, allowing students to build lasting friendships and networks that extend beyond borders. This enriching experience is invaluable for students aspiring to pursue careers in science and technology.
Mode: Onsite (various locations in Japan)
Eligibility: Open to high school students with an interest in STEM.
Fees: Free
Application Deadline: Contact your school